New Year, New Me?

(Photo by Jade on Unsplash)

I love the New Year, it really excites me.  The thought of a fresh year ahead, new opportunities, possibilities and hopefully some adventures, It feels like a chance to start over, almost reinvent yourself.  Armed with a list of New Years resolutions I went in to 2018 bubbling with excitement for what was to come.  I always feel quite positive at this time of year but this year I feel more so than in previous years, perhaps that's because last year (apart from my engagement) was a bit of a stressful one.  

Ten days in though and I'm sat at work twiddling my thumbs wondering where all that New Years Day enthusiasm has gone.  Don't get me wrong, I'm still feeling excited and positive but getting back to the reality of 9 to 5 has given me a bit of perspective and whilst there's of course still a chance I could travel the world, write a novel, have a baby, learn to cook like Nigella and get at least 8 hours sleep every night, I'm beginning to look at things a little more realistically.

A lot of us make resolutions with the best intentions of self improvement but then if we fail or don't quite reach our expectations for said resolutions we beat ourselves up about it.  When I thought about this I realised, I was missing the whole point.  I might not fulfil those resolutions but I have goals, I might not fulfil them but I will have tried.  I could have chosen not to make any and to just see what happens and while that's absolutely fine, I like to see where I've gone wrong as well as where I've gone right.  If what I learn from 2018 is a few life lessons then I think that's a pretty decent achievement and a certain way for me to self improve. 

I personally make my resolutions just as a way of thinking what I'd like to be better at and to try and give myself an extra push in the right direction.  Last year I told myself I must read at least three books.  I love to read but only seem to do it on holiday and that was one I stuck to. I read them, loved them and have promised myself I will make more time for reading.  Cooking has been on the list since about 2010 and very slowly I am improving but what I've learnt along the way is that I don't really enjoy it and that's ok.  I love to bake and that I've gotten pretty good at when I make the time and effort to do it.  My main resolution this year though is to start what I finish.  I'm terrible at sticking to things.  I get really into an idea and then a few weeks later I move on to something else.  I want to complete the things I start or keep going with things like my blog.

At the end of the day, I don't have to do any of the things on my list but the point is I want to and the sense of achievement is addictive but I'm also not going to stress myself out or beat myself up if I don't do them.  I'm just going to keep focusing on what I can learn from every situation I come across good or bad.

So, New Year, New Me? ...Absolutely!

What are your goals for 2018?

Take care


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