This Is Me! (the remix)
A fair few months ago I started this blog and thought it would be something amazing that I would be excited to write each week and content ideas would come to me at the drop of a hat.....I was so wrong!
I had read so many blogs and loved them all, they made me laugh, cry, shop and filled me with inspiration and admiration for these amazing women who were producing such brilliant stuff and I thought to myself "I wanna do that". I've always loved writing so I figured how hard can it be....turns out, extremely hard!
Bloggers aren't given enough credit for what they do. People categorise them as air heads that shop or eat pretty cakes for a living, instead of intelligent and creative women or men that document every area of their lives (if you take the time to look) not just shopping and eating in fancy restaurants but travel, charity work, public speaking, interior design, cooking, personal issues and so much more. I thought writing a blog would be simple but it's not!
My other problem was trying too hard, I tried to sound like other blogs that I love and tried to make my content and style fit to what I thought was the 'blogger template'. I soon realised that not only was this impossible but it made me lose interest as it wasn't me, I was spending more time worrying that I was boring or that I was copying someone else's ideas than I did believing in myself and coming up with content that I wanted to write about. I said that the blog was for me and I didn't care if people read it or not but as soon as you see those stats appear you start to care and that's when I stopped.
So this is the new me!
I'm your average handbag and shoe obsessed women but for you cynics I am not an air head. I'm interested in a whole host of other things and if you decide to stick around you might just find out what those things are.
Since I started my blog not much has changed except the awesome fact that I'm engaged and currently planning a wedding so I'd imagine that will feature soon. There's two new things I'm going to bring to my modified and hopefully improved blog each week and that's 'three items I'm lusting after' and my favourite blogger of the week.
So I'm not going to promise that my blog will be awesome and fit in with all those other amazing blogs out there but from now on.....This is me!
Three Items I'm Lusting After
Blogger I'm Loving This Week - Emma Hill
Emma is seriously brilliant, she always has me giggling away, I especially love her snapchat and Insta stories where you'll often find her OOTD and various hauls, so if you're looking for a blogger that has great style and an awesome sense of humour who makes you feel like you're watching one of your mates, Emma's ya gal!
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Take Care
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